Wednesday 27 March 2013

Qt Installer Framework 1.3 released

Thus far, the Qt Installer Framework has been used to create Qt SDK Installers. You can now use it also to create installers for your own applications. This is why we decided to make a formal release for the first time as opposed to just tagging a Git version. Therefore we are offering binary downloads for the major platforms at

The recent months were mostly used for stabilization, cleanup work and improving the documentation. But in the 14 months since 1.2 some new features were introduced as well.

Notable new features include the possibility to translate the installer (German and Russian translation are included). The included 7zip library was updated to the current version. The Installer Framework was made compatible with Qt 5 (and continues to work with Qt 4 of course). For online installers, repositories using https are now supported in addition to http.

Notable contributions are the Russian translation by Ivan Komissarov and Support for the BB10 SDK by Andreas Holzammer. Thank you!

crawled from : Digia

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