Thursday 25 April 2013

Welcoming Parse to Facebook

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Last week, we hosted our first Mobile Developer Conference, where we launched several new products to help mobile developers integrate Facebook: Open Graph for mobile, better Facebook Login, and new developer tools. Today, we?re making it even easier to build mobile apps with Facebook Platform by announcing that we have entered into an agreement to acquire Parse, a cloud-based platform that provides scalable cross-platform services and tools for developers.

By making Parse a part of Facebook Platform, we want to enable developers to rapidly build apps that span mobile platforms and devices. Parse makes this possible by allowing developers to work with native objects that provide backend services for data storage, notifications, user management, and more. This removes the need to manage servers and a complex infrastructure, so you can simply focus on building great user experiences.

We?ve worked closely with the Parse team and have seen first-hand how important their products and community are to developers. We don?t intend to change this. We will continue offering their products and services, and we?re excited to expand what Facebook and Parse can provide together.

For more information, please see Parse?s blog post.

crawled from : Facebook

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