Sunday 7 April 2013

Symfony 2.3: What's next?

Time flies as Symfony 2.2 was released more than a month ago now and the first
minor version was released yesterday. According to our release process,
Symfony 2.3, which is going to be the first Symfony2 LTS release,
will be released at the end of May 2013, less than 2 months from now.

The development phase will end at the end of April, and May will be dedicated
to documentation, bug fixes, and polishing.

During this month of development, I'm not expecting big changes as we have
done so many big changes in the last couple of releases.

Of course, there are some important things that need to be resolved like
BrowserKit client from HttpKernel doesn't respect the expected return type and Add simpler
customization options for Security

Those are just examples and if you think that there are some other big
issues that need to be discussed for 2.3, please start a discussion on the
Symfony mailing-list.

Also, as the timeframe is really short, I'd like to organize several sprints
(like what we did for documentation a couple of weeks ago). I propose to
organize the first one Friday 12th. The goal of these sprints are:

  • Discuss big issues or sensitive pull requests;

  • Get people contributing by helping them understanding our process and our tools;

  • Try to get more people involved in fixing opened bugs.

During these sprints, I won't code myself, but I will be available on IRC the
whole day to help coordinate the various efforts.

Be trained by Symfony experts
- 2013-04-06 Paris
- 2013-04-08 Amsterdam
- 2013-04-08 Amsterdam
crawled from : Symfony

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