Monday 22 April 2013

Oxford Economics: A Success Case

The specific challenge of this project was to provide a long-overdue modern user experience for the company?s website which consisted of two major areas dealing with marketing and providing customers access to their subscription products. The website was expected to receive an average 1000 visitors and 4000+ page views daily.
The marketing team needed to update the marketing and pay-walled site regularly using simple and effective tools in contrast to the old website which offered little direct manipulation tooling.

From a design perspective, the new site had to be clean, elegant and simple to navigate. Oxford Economics wanted to position themselves as the top economic consultancy in the world, by conveying their global presence, a strong sense of gravitas, trustworthiness and expertise.

A big challenge was to migrate over 20 thousand subscription products to the new backend without interrupting on-going access via the old website whilst the new one was being constructed.

The old system had little documentation making it extremely difficult to decipher how its features should really work.

crawled from : Orchardproject

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