Friday 5 April 2013

Debugging ASP.NET Web API with Route Debugger

Tutorial and Tool written by Troy Dai with assistance from Rick Anderson (Twitter @RickAndMSFT ) Search for ? web api routing? on stackoverflow , you?ll find many questions. How exactly does Web API routing work? Why doesn?t my route work? Why is this action not invoked? Often time it is difficult to debug route debugger. To address this issue I wrote this tool named ?ASP.NET Web API Route Debugger? trying to make Web API developers? lives a bit easier. In this article I?ll first introduce how to set up route debugger. Then I?ll introduce how routing works in Web Api. It is followed by three examples of how to use the route debugger in real cases. How to Step up Route Debugger You can install Route Debugger from NuGet ( http://www.nuget...(read more)
crawled from : Msdn

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