Thursday 11 April 2013

BlackBerry Jam Unplugged: Adobe AIR SDK

Check out the latest episode in our BlackBerry Jam Unplugged video series!

Hot on the heels of our last episode, which covered the Momentics tooling, this particular video will fill you in on our SDK for Adobe AIR. Julian Dolce joins us to discuss upcoming roadmap items that we?re looking at to improve the AIR SDK.

BlackBerry Jam Unplugged is an ongoing series that gives a bit of color and insight into the BlackBerry 10 SDK roadmap. We?ll run this video series leading up to BlackBerry Jam Americas in Orlando to give some background on the topics that we will discuss at length during the conference.

So tune in, and find out which upgraded version of the Adobe AIR Runtime will come to BlackBerry 10!

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