Tuesday 26 March 2013

This Week in Spring - March 26, 2013

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring!
This week I'm in chilly (brrr!) London, England and Paris, France, for Devoxx UK and Devoxx FR and - tonight - I gave a talk at Skills Matter for the London Spring User Group. What a pleasant experience. If you're in France and want to talk Spring, don't hesitate to ping me.

  1. The CujoJS team has announced that When.js 2.0 is now available.

  2. I found a few nice posts introducing Spring Integration. Here's part 1
    and part 2.

    These posts are very thorough and well worth a read!

  3. New SpringOne2GX replays now available in HD on YouTube: What's New in Spring Integration 2.2 and Spring Integration, Batch, & Data Lightning Talks.

  4. Did you guys miss SpringOne2GX 2012? Don't fret, Oleg Zhurakousky and Arjen Poutsma's talk introducing how to use Spring with Scala is now available on InfoQ.

  5. Michael Isvy's been hard at work refactoring the code
    of the canonical Spring PetClinic reference application. The application is now available on GitHub.

  6. Long time readers will remember Daniel Fernandez, author of the amazing Thymeleaf templating engine that works well
    with Spring MVC and Spring Security.
    We're happy to have him pen a blog post on how Thymeleaf contributes to the refactored Spring Travel application as the view engine.

  7. Have you guys checked out the RabbitMQ simulator on Cloud Foundry?

  8. Speaking of RabbitMQ there are now Lua bindings available.

  9. Alexey Zvolinskiy has a very introductory post on Spring MVC. Nicely done!

  10. Our friend Roger Hughes is back at it again, this time with a post on how to create a Spring MVC 3.2 web application.

  11. The ITEye blog has a nice Chinese-language post on how to use Spring and MyBatis together.

crawled from : Springsource

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