Thursday 28 March 2013

GDC 2013: PS4 hardware and controller details, Activision enters the Uncanny Valley, and Konami unveils MGS5

Activision's real-time, near-ph<a name='more'></a>otorealistic next-generation character model
The annual Game Developers Conference (GDC) is in full swing at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, and as always there's a flurry of gaming-related news to share. Sony took the opportunity to further discuss the PS4's internals and controllers, Activision is showing off one of the most terrifyingly realistic real-time human face animations, Konami blew the world away by unveiling Metal Gear Solid 5, and of course there's the usual slew of weird/interesting peripherals and indie/art games.
crawled from : Extremetech

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